We are here to assist the community and make life better, so families can live healthier lives. Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial has so much to offer the community and among the many things are our three wonderful programs. Infant burial assistance, mental health and pre-post maternal healthcare. These are three great programs that are needed in the community to assist with decreasing infant and maternal mortality, as well as mental health in the United States. We see each of these programs as being beneficial and unique in its own way.

Our organization wants to ensure that we do all we can to combat this deadly matter that has caused more than enough of infants’ and mothers’ lives.  In order to do this, we have to implement programs that will touch on the issue at hand in a direct way. Therefore, we advocate on every level to combat this problem.

Infant and maternal mortalities are growing more and more by the day. Many lives have been taken by this overlooked issue for far too long. CDC states, that over 21,000 infants and 800 mothers die each year; however, 80 percent of these lives are preventable. This percentage is unacceptable and cannot continue to increase. When it comes to mental health many families are traumatized and distraught from the unexpected loss; therefore, treatment is needed for the family. Although many families including the mother will speak against not believing they need treatment. Often, times families want to push past the experience as quickly as possible due to the heartache and pain associated with the loss to ignore the hurt inside.

There are many things that a mother needs when she becomes pregnant to care for herself and her unborn child. Many don’t understand all that takes place when a woman becomes pregnant, but a woman’s body goes through many changes there are so many that she wouldn’t be able to name them all if she tried. This is what makes pregnancy so unique and why each pregnancy should be treated as its own. There are no two pregnancies alike even if a woman has multiple children each pregnancy will still be different. Meanwhile, there is one thing that remains the same for each pregnancy, which is prenatal care. Every woman should make sure she takes extra care of herself and gets the medical care needed because her baby depends on her. There are no ifs and or buts about her healthcare regimen. She must stay on track 100 percent.

Unfortunately, below are a few of the many situations families find themselves in and these are also the situations your donation will assist families through.

    1. In an unforeseen circumstance, a mother tragically lost her first child at 7 months into her pregnancy. Struggling to make ends meet on a tight budget, she is unable to cover the costs of a proper burial for her child. Seeking assistance, she reaches out to KLA Memorial for support.
    2. In an unforeseen circumstance, a mother who lacks knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth is hesitant due to the uncertainties ahead, what steps can she take to seek guidance and support? The answer lies in reaching out to KLA Memorial for expert assistance and resources.
    3. in a circumstance where a mother or family member is dealing with the loss of an infant and is looking for grief counseling but is unable to cover the costs, they can reach out to KLA Memorial for assistance.

“Every pregnancy is unique, bringing with it a range of possible situations. That’s why having a reliable organization by your side to assist with any of these scenarios is incredibly advantageous for your family. Don’t hesitate to seek support when you need it most!”

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