Emotional and Mental Health Support

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Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial want to ensure that we do all we can to combat infant and maternal mortality in our local communities and throughout the U.S.  We have to implement programs that will address the issue head-on.  We advocate on every level to combat this nationwide problem.

Infant and maternal mortality rates are increasing daily. Many lives have been taken by this overlooked issue for far too long. The CDC states that over 21,000 infants and 800 mothers die each year and over 80 percent are preventable. This percentage is unacceptable and cannot continue to increase. When it comes to mental health,  many families are traumatized and distraught from the unexpected loss, and treatment is needed for the family to get through the traumatic experience.  Although many families, including the mother, do not believe they need treatment, and oftentimes, families want to forget the experience as quickly as possible due to the heartache and pain associated with the loss. We provide techniques to help families get through the loss.

There are many things that a mother needs when she becomes pregnant to care for herself and her unborn child. Sometimes the message gets lost and many do not understand the process that takes place within a woman’s body during pregnancy. This is what makes pregnancy so unique and why each pregnancy should be treated with individualized care. There is, however, one commonality for all pregnancies…prenatal care. Every woman should make sure she takes special care of herself and receives the medical care needed for the healthy development of her baby.

Unfortunately, the next program is not one that anyone wants to discuss, however,  it deserves a meaningful and detailed conversation. Many families are lost and don’t know where to turn when they experience the loss of an infant. Sadly, burial insurance is not available with some companies for infants under 16 days or for 30 days and under. Infant mortality is real and happens more than many realize. It would be nice to say all pregnancies have happy endings, but unfortunately, that may not be the ideal situation.  When low-income families endure the loss of an infant, from 20 weeks gestation to 12 months of age,  Khairi and Little Angels’ Memorial will assist the family with burial expenses. We look at it as us being the point of contact for the family. These families need someone to act on their behalf. We know that many families living in underserved areas are living paycheck to paycheck and do not have funds to bury their infant if they experience an unexpected loss.

We encourage your donation to support these programs to aid underserved families with the funds needed for infant burial costs.